
Erzeni Sh.p.k. is specialized in the production of milk products. The company operates in the Albanian market with over 17 different types of premium quality products.

Erzeni Sh.p.k. is specialized in the production of milk products. The company operates in the Albanian market with over 17 different types of premium quality products.

Sheep Cup Yogurt

Erzeni > Products > Sheep Cup Yogurt


Sheep Cup Yogurt

Prepared with fresh sheep’s milk. Homogenized, pasteurized. The whole process is
carried out in a closed cycle automated and controlled by software, not allowing any
possibility of contamination. Contains Lactose. Contains no preservatives.

Product Details Product Values
Pieces in box
40 Pieces
Pieces in pallet
2880 Pieces
Storage Temperature
2°C - 6°C
Product Life
1 month